

Panihati Chida-Dahi Utsava

Panihati Chida-Dahi Utsava

Panihati is the name of a village located in the state of West Bengal, on the banks of River Ganges (10 miles north of Kolkata). It was one of the leading trade centres in earlier days when the river route was the main means of…
Holy places visited by Lord Rama

The holy places visited by Lord Rama

During this year’s Rama Navami, let us go back in history and get a glimpse where Lord Ramachandra performed His pastimes, as recorded in Valmiki Ramayana. Lord Rama, Sitadevi and Lakshmana in the forest…
Appearance day of Lord Sri Ramachandra

Appearance day of Lord Sri Ramachandra

Sri Rama Navami is the auspicious appearance day of Lord Sri Ramachandra. Sri Ramachandra appeared in the month of Chaitra (March – April), on the ninth day of the growing moon (Chaitra Masa, Shukla Paksha…
Sri Rama Navami Vrata

Sri Rama Navami Vrata

On the auspicious appearance day of Lord Ramachandra one has to observe the following: Wake up early in the morning. It is recommended that one should rise early in the morning, during the brahma-muhurta…
Sri Rama Ashtottara

Sri Rama Ashtottara

Its Always recommended to chant Name of the Lord. Do find below 108 auspicious names of Lord Sri Rama (Sri Rama Ashtottara Shata Namavali. Chanting of these holy names will usher in peace & happiness in your life.…
Gaur Purnima

Gaur Purnima

Gaura Purnima is the auspicious appearance day of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (who is also known as Gauranga due to His golden complexion), and this year we are celebrating the 533rd anniversary…
9 process of Bhakti

9 Process Of Bhakti

There are nine processes of bhakti — hearing, chanting and so on. One of the processes is atma-nivedanam, submitting one’s self to the Supreme Lord. The exemplary devotee who performed this process and received benediction that even great demigods…
10 Lessons To Be Learnt From BG

10 Lessons To Be Learnt From Bhagvada Gita

The Bhagavad Gita is an important scripture, which has repeatedly proven its relevance for over 5000 years. It is ancient Indian text that became an important work of Hindu tradition in terms of both literature and…
The Battle Between Varaha Dev & Hiranyaksha

Battle Between Varaha Dev & Hiranyaksha

When we see our artist’s illustration of Lord Varaha, we notice that he is depicted as having two arms, just like His images seen in temples. Therefore, the artist, who works for our Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, inquired from Prabhupada…
Sri Krishna Janmashtami

Sri Krishna Janmashtami

Krishna Janmashtami this year is celebrated on 7th September, 2023. Devotees of Lord Krishna celebrate this auspicious festival by keeping fast, night-sankirtans, holding bhakti events & much more. Sri Krishna’s devotees celebrate this day to express their love for Lord…